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I work full-time and have three kids. I love the way you've laid this out bc I dont have to spend anytime trying to figure out how to get around the site. The videos are interesting, relatable and I'm testing some of these ideas on my kids.

I just picked up again with the GBG videos. On Mundane Tasks you read my mind with that tip about reconciling Quickbooks! I stopped the video and, per your advice, set a recurring note in Outlook to do this on the 29th of each month. I had to write and tell you what a good example that was! πŸ˜Š

Your videos help center me. When I have a lot mental background noise it’s a relief to be able to access your library.Β  Your courses and presentations have helped me find new ways to navigate through life with greater purpose, satisfaction, and MUCH less stress. Thank you


After 38 years of more than substantial gainful activity I became disabled. A few years later I was diagnosed with ADHD. I have been dealing with it all my life, but due to other factors (additional diagnoses) ADHD went undiagnosed and untreated. Medication helps immensely, but the ingrained scattered brain persists. Mary Ellen and has helped me immensely. I’m living life with less confusion, getting more done, and enjoying life more.

I am excited about, and making real progress toward, getting back to work in a way that is productive an meaningful. That sounds like a commercial, but it is true. I really got excited after my first class because it makes REAL sense and gave me a lot of hope. The classes are something that the organizationally impaired can do for themselves that no medication or therapy will. The training helps me know myself, know my limitations, and learn the tools to get around or surpass them. It’s an INDIVIDUAL process that takes time, But the great part is that you get results right away. Long ago I realized that a good education isn’t about stuffing your head full of knowledge, but about how to keep learning and growing, effectively, lifelong. I’ve developed, and still tweaking, my individual process and it’s working for me.

If this sounds like an infomercial, I won’t apologize. I would be in one and I wouldn’t accept payment, because Time Professionals is life changing.

~ Mike C.

I'm working from home and more distracted than ever. I loved the video on multitasking and what my brain needs to focus. I thought I was getting more done but I see now that I wasn't. Thanks for the insight.

Ever since I saw that video on being present, I've been spending a few minutes every day semimeditating. I'm actually happier. Maybe because I'm thinking more positively or intentionally about my life but this is a great change for me.

I'm self-employed and overwhelmed by everything I have to do. The planning videos showed me how to compartmentalize my work and get things done without spending my day just reacting to emails. I already feel more in control and I haven't even watched any of the other categories. Great program and worth the $$.

I wish our training videos at work were like this. I might actually watch them.

These are directly useful and easy to understand. My son is about to go to college and could definitely use this.

These videos helped me figure out how to organize my email. I never thought it was possible. Thanks for all the little pictures that helped explain how to do it.

When I first joined, I watched the videos every day for a few days. Then I got busy with other things and forgot. Then I got an email from with a cartoon about losing keys which made me laugh because I had just lost my keys. Haha  So I watched the video so maybe I wont lose them anytime soon.

The way the course is broken out by modules and videos has made it so convenient and easy to learn these brain skills. Plus, it was eye opening to learn things about myself and obtain skills to change for the better.
~ Valerie